Holiday party 2022: white elephant game

Lab picture December 2022

Our Halloween group costume won the best costume award!

Our entry for the Halloween pumpkin contest - matching our group costume!

Second annual Lab AppleFest!

Second annual Lab AppleFest!

The lab turns out to support Amanda as a finalist in the postdoc slam!

Secret preparations to support Amanda at the postdoc slam

Lab retreat - lab olympiad

Lab retreat - lab olympiad

Lab retreat - Future of the Lab workshop

Lab retreat T-shirt design contest - all entries

Lab retreat T-shirt design contest finalists

Lab retreat T-shirt design contest

Lab retreat T-shirt design contest

Lab retreat T-shirt design contest

Lab retreat T-shirt design contest

Farewell Xiaoyan and Gio! We will miss you - but are excited for your next adventures!

Congratulations on your qualifying exams, Parker, Noam and Indigo!

Lab hike to Montara Mountain

Lab hike to Montara Mountain

Lab hike to Montara Mountain

Celebrating our first microglia paper - Congratulations Nina, Syd, Olivia, Kun, Jason, and Gio!

Celebrating our successful spring cleaning (in June this year)

Farewell Nina - we will miss you!

After taking a long pandemic break: Yup - we still fit in an elevator!

Celebrating Gary's postdoc fellowship and Amanda's travel fellowship. Congratulations!

The lab threw Martin a surprise birthday party!

Welcome to the lab, Sarah!

Holiday party: Mulled wine on the rooftop

Holiday party: White elephant game!

Holiday party: Who's been naughty, who's been nice?

Holiday party: Setting up for dinner

Congratulations, Dr. Leng! We will miss you a lot!

Congratulations, Dr. Leng!

Graduation cake - Kun facing the reactive astrocytes!

Kun's thesis talk

Congratulations on receiving the CIRM fellowship, Indigo!

Apple fest - blind tasting!

"Spring" cleaning complete - in October! Reason to celebrate with a lab lunch.

Congratulations Olivia on being named a Discovery Fellow!

Welcome to the lab, Amanda!
Farewell Merissa - we will miss you!
Farewell Brendan - we will miss you!

Farewell Syd - we will miss you!

Congratulations Olivia on passing your quals with flying colors!

Congratulations Olivia on passing your quals with flying colors!
Redwood lab hike

Congratulations, Dr. See!

Congratulations, Dr. See!

Birthday dogs

Surprise birthday party for Martin!

Combined holiday party and baby shower - Astrobros!

Combined holiday party and baby shower - Best in show!

Combined holiday party and baby shower!

Farewell lunch for Ruilin - Excited for your launch of the Tian lab at SUSTech!

We escaped from the Alchemist's Room. Phew...

Happy Halloween!

We're ready for Halloween!

Welcome new lab members and rotation students!
Lab retreat T-shirt 2020 - designed by Emmy!

Lab Retreat, pandemic edition: Chilling...

Lab Retreat, pandemic edition: physically distanced game

Lab Retreat, pandemic edition: Working on our lab statement of mission and values

Lab Retreat, pandemic edition: Working on our lab statement of mission and values

Lab Retreat, pandemic edition: Working on our lab statement of mission and values

Lab Retreat, pandemic edition: Working on our lab statement of mission and values

Lab Retreat, Pandemic Edition

Kampmann Lab Bays - named after strong women!

Kampmann Lab Bays - named after strong women!

Physically distanced celebration for Ruilin's graduation. Congratulations and 恭喜, Dr. Tian!
Congratulations on your graduation, Dr. Ruilin Tian! The cake features only some of Ruilin's contributions to the lab
Lunch at Dumpling Time: Welcome Steven!
Happy new lunar year of the (lab)rat!
Happy new lunar year of the (lab)rat!

Happy new lunar year of the (lab)rat!
Farewell Poornima - thank you for all your contributions to the lab, and best wishes for your next adventure! You will be missed!
S'mores outing to wish Poornima farewell!
S'mores outing to wish Poornima farewell!
Lab Holiday party 2019: White Elephant game!
Lab Holiday party 2019: White Elephant game!
Lab Holiday party 2019

Farewell lunch for John - congratulations on your job, and thank you for your contributions to the lab - you will be missed! Welcome Brendan and Darrin!
Lab Retreat 2019: The T-shirt
Lab Retreat 2019: Shucking oysters at Tomales Bay
Lab Retreat 2019: Team building workshop - "Flip the tarp!"
Lab Retreat 2019: Team building workshop - "Flip the tarp!"
Lab Retreat 2019: BBQ!
Lab Retreat 2019: BBQ!
Lab Retreat 2019: Beach time!
Lab Retreat 2019: Beach time!
Lab Retreat 2019: "Future of the Lab" workshop
Lab Retreat 2019: "Future of the Lab" workshop
Lab Retreat 2019: French Toast for breakfast - Voilà!
Lab Retreat 2019: Break-"feast"

Lab Retreat 2019: Getting ready for night-time kayaking in Tomales Bay - we saw incredible bioluminescence (dinoflagellates)!

Lab Retreat 2019: Getting ready for night-time kayaking in Tomales Bay - we saw incredible bioluminescence (dinoflagellates)!

Lab Retreat 2019

Lab Retreat 2019: Should this become our new PPE?
Lab Retreat 2019: Getting ready for night-time kayaking in Tomales Bay - we saw incredible bioluminescence (dinoflagellates)!
Lab Retreat 2019: Tacos!
Lab Retreat 2019: Dinner prep
Lab Retreat 2019: Dinner prep
Farewell lunch for Jason - Thank you for your great contributions to the lab!
Celebrating John's job offer with Bubble Iced Tea!

Goodbye lunch for summer students Celeste and Miguel.
Ice cream celebration - Happy birthday Jaime!
On our way to lab lunch - Farewell and thank you Gita, welcome AJ!
Congratulations on the accepted paper, Ruilin and Jason! And Happy Birthday Jason!
Lab lunch to welcome Lydia, Greg, Sydney, Celeste and Miguel!

Our Lab still passes the elevator test!

Celebrating Avi's NIH Kirschstein National Research Service Award!
The lab surprised Martin with a cake for his promotion to Associate Professor
Celebrating Martin's promotion to Associate professor!

Celebrating Emmy's successful qualifying exam

Congratulations on passing your quals with flying colors, Emmy!
Kampmann Lab @ Urban Putt!
Kampmann Lab @ Urban Putt!
Kampmann Lab @ Urban Putt!
Kampmann Lab @ Urban Putt!
Kampmann Lab @ Urban Putt!
Celebrating Emmy's NDSEG Award. Congratulations Emmy!!!
We won the inaugural UCSF Excellence in Safety Award grand prize!

Kampmann Lab Pi Day Hap-pie Hour! poster by Emmy Li
Ready for Pi Day!
Celebrating a successful Lab Spring Cleaning!
Theme of this month's IND Social hour: The periodic table
Check out the Helium balloons! Before they Argon... (pun courtesy of Megan Stephens)

Jump up, jump up and get down!
Congrats on passing your quals with flying colors, Kun!
Way to go, Kun!
Celebrating Kun's successful qualifying exam
Kun as a reactive astrocyte!
Time to relax!
Cornhole competition!
Good-bye Meghan, welcome Gio!

Kampmann Lab Holiday Party 2018

No Oktoberfest without sausages!

Stephanie and Nina channeling their inner Bavarians

Kampmann Lab is ready for the Oktoberfest guests!

Kampmann Lab Oktoberfest! - poster by Nina Dräger

Lab Retreat 2018 - Morning hike around the Lagoon

Lab Retreat 2018 - ready for dinner!

Lab Retreat 2018 - enjoying pre-dinner drinks

Lab Retreat 2018 - Team BBQ!

Lab Retreat 2018 - Team Sangria!

Lab Retreat 2018 - Meghan's flash talk

Lab Retreat 2018 - Kun's flash talk

Lab Retreat 2018 - Emmy's flash talk

Lab Retreat 2018 - Jason's flash talk

Lab Retreat 2018 - Jaime's flash talk

Lab Retreat 2018 - getting ready for the flash talks

Lab Retreat 2018 - Wet but happy!

Lab Retreat 2018 - Ready for Kayaking and SUP!

Lab Retreat 2018 - German breakfast

Lab Retreat 2018 - Weisswurst demonstration

Lab Retreat 2018 - Breakfast team

Lab Retreat 2018 - who cares about a blackout when you have glow sticks!

Lab Retreat 2018 - who cares about a blackout when you have glow sticks!
Lab Retreat 2018 - Everything's ready for hot pot dinner!

Lab Retreat 2018 - Avi vs. Martin

Lab Retreat 2018 - Basketball

Lab Retreat 2018 - Happy birthday Nina!
Celebrating Xiaoyan's and Poornima's fellowships with Boba!
Diane's Farewell lunch - we'll miss you!
Elevator test - yup - we still all fit!
Kampmann lab at the Ballpark - Go Giants!!!
Kampmann lab at the Ballpark
Kampmann lab at the Ballpark
Outing to the Ballpark

Kampmann lab hosting the IND social hour - poster by Ruilin Tian
Kampmann lab hosting the IND social hour - St. Patrick's Day theme!
Green beer in the making
Stephanie's green shots

Kampmann lab @ House of Air: Dodgeball!

Kampmann lab @ House of Air: Dodgeball!

Kampmann lab @ House of Air: Dodgeball!

Kampmann lab @ House of Air: Dodgeball!
Kampmann lab @ House of Air!
Kampmann lab @ House of Air!
Kampmann lab @ House of Air!
Kampmann lab @ House of Air!

Yup ...

... even with 4 rotation students we still fit into the elevator!

Happy Valentine's Day, Kampmann Lab <3
Boba break - Happy birthday Xiaoyan!
Holiday Party 2017
Holiday Party 2017
Holiday Party 2017

Holiday Party 2017
Holiday Party: White Elephant Game!
Holiday Party: White Elephant Game!
Holiday Party: White Elephant Game!
Holiday Party: White Elephant Game!
Holiday Party: White Elephant Game!
Holiday Party: White Elephant Game!
Holiday Party: White Elephant Game!
Holiday Party: White Elephant Game!

Team Kampmann Lab @ Peacock Gap Trail Run

Team Kampmann Lab @ Peacock Gap Trail Run

Team Kampmann Lab @ Peacock Gap Trail Run

Team Kampmann Lab @ Peacock Gap Trail Run
Happy birthday Kun!
The Kampmann Lab surprised Martin at group meeting by all dressing up as him!

Halloween at the IND!
Our lab has grown a lot - but we still all fit inside the elevator!
Happy Hour at The Ramp
Connor Good-bye lunch ;-(
Lab retreat 2017 - Yay! we solved Connor's Science Escape Room!
Lab retreat 2017 - Connor welcomes us to the incredible Science Escape Room he prepared
Lab retreat 2017 - John's vietnamese spring roll demonstration
Lab retreat 2017 - What's cooking, Avi?
Lab retreat 2017 - hot pot dinner
Lab retreat 2017 - the hot pot chefs!
Lab retreat 2017 - nice one, Xiaoyan!
Lab retreat 2017 - Nina bocce action shot!
Lab retreat 2017 - Bocce Kun vs. Connor
Lab retreat 2017 - sunset croquet
Lab retreat 2017 - John wins the first round of croquet!

Team CRISPR (aka Kampmann lab) after escaping from the Houdini Room!
Celebratory Dinner after our escape from the Houdini Room

Kampmann lab mid-air! At the Palace of Fine Arts.
Celebrating Ruilin's successful qualifying exam
Congratulations Ruilin on passing your PhD qualifying exams with flying colors!
Happy birthday Connor!
Lab hike Angel Island
Lab hike - picnic with a view
Lab hike - ferry to Angel Island
Kampmann lab bubble tea outing #2
IND Happy hour - spring break theme!

First IND Happy Hour - poster designed by our very own Connor Ludwig!

Celebrating two IND faculty who were named Biohub Investigators: Lisa Gunaydin & Martin Kampmann
Celebrating the Kampmann lab joining the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub!

John receives his fellowship check from the Alzheimer's Association

Our lab tree is ready for the Year of the Rooster. Happy new year!

After work S'mores
Kampmann lab End of Summer Party
Kampmann lab End of Summer Party
Kampmann lab End of Summer Party
Lab lunch: Goodbye Logan, Welcome back Ruilin!

Lab lunch: Goodbye Logan, Welcome back Ruilin!

Kampmann + Gestwicki Lab Cake
Kampmann + Gestwicki Lab Happy hour
Happy Birthday Diane!
Lab retreat 2016: Armstrong Redwoods
Lab retreat 2016: How many scientists does it take to hug a redwood tree?
Lab retreat 2016: Eating
Lab retreat 2016: Cooking
Lab retreat: Working on cover art for Xiaoyan's next paper

Lab retreat 2016: Science with Poornima & Stephanie
Lab retreat 2016: Science with Diane & Vincent
Lab retreat 2016: Science with Kun & John
Lab Retreat 2016: Russian River
Congratulations Stephanie! Quals passed!

Bubbly for Stephanie's Quals from her CCB friends!
Congrats on passing your Quals, Steph!
Lab hike: Stinson beach into Mount Tam State Park
Group meeting with John's homemade treats

Happy new year from the Kampmann Lab! (Image by Ruilin Tian)
Bubble Tea outing January 2016

Kampmann Lab Holiday dinner 2015