Sarah Kaufman receives fellowships from the BrightFocus Foundation and the Alzheimer's Association

Sarah Kaufman, Kampmann lab

Physician-scientist Dr. Sarah (SK) Kaufman, Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Kampmann lab and the Seeley lab, received two awards:

The Alzheimer’s Association Clinician Scientist Fellowship (AACSF), and the Dr. Edward H. Koo Postdoctoral Fellowship Award for Alzheimer's Disease Research by the BrightFocus Foundation, which recognizes that her application was the top-ranked out of 650 applications in the 2024 grant cycle.

In her research, SK investigates mechanisms that underlie aggregation and neurotoxicity of the protein tau across distinct tau strains associated with different neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementias.

Congratulations, SK!